Taking the Capstone and knowing that we had to collaborate and complete a panel presentation recording caused us all to have anxiety about it.
In observing my peers Capstone presentations one thing came to mind: They did a great job! I learned so much from them about FMLA, Silence No More Law, and Unions. The presentations were under 45 minutes and that was perfect for my attention span.
As I watched the presentations, my second thought was: We have grown so much in this MJ-LEL program. Listening to everyone share their thoughts on law and how it impacts us as humans is inspiring.
Thirdly, I appreciated the different ways the material was presented. There were PowerPoints, discussion panels, podcasts and blog posts.
I have heard from several people that before we started the Capstone, everyone felt nervous about the gravity of a Capstone, Bluebooking and recording ourselves for others to view. These waves of feelings changed throughout the term.
This morning I was nervous to record our panel presentation and working with our team. Now, after the recording and submitting our projects, I feel proud of our accomplishments and that we did this together.
I will never forget this experience, the people that traveled this journey with me, or the better future we have prepared ourselves for. The lessons we have learned in this program are invaluable and all of this has prepared us for being experts on panels, white paper authors, social media bloggers and much more.
Thank you so much for this opportunity. I have so much gratitude for my professors and my peers.
WellThatWasInteresting © 2022 by Patty Wilkinson is licensed underCC BY-SA 4.0