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The MJ Program At Tulane

What I like about this program is the curriculum. The classes expose the student to many different areas of employment law that an Human Resource professional may encounter in their everyday jobs. COVID is a great example. Who would have imagined HR would have been on the front lines of a worldwide epidemic in creating policies to keep our employees safe and keep the operation of the business running.

This program came at an ideal time for me as I was tasked with creating, implementing and enforcing the COVID policies in my organization. In addition, while in this program I had to update our handbook, create a social media policy, create a dress code policy and the list goes on. It was great having my classmates and professors there to support me and listen to the different scenarios we have to solve for.

The benefit of talking with other HR professionals and hearing that they are dealing with similar issues is priceless.

Tracie Fleischer MJ student graduating 2023

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