Life has been quite the adventure as of late. Since the start of the semester, my kids and I have been sick I think 5 seperate times (including COVID, ear infections, stomach bugs, pink eye and more). We went to Disney World! We stood in a wedding. We snuck off to the beach for a couple days. At my new job, I jump started in-person orientation and I am working to streamline our onboarding process (which is desperately needed). I also was able to acquire grant funds from the State of Louisiana to use for training. We have hosted 4 "kick-off" events in the last week. It has been a very busy time. Oh, and I am 34 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. With ALL of that said, I have been more engaged in school than any prior semester! I am not sure if it is because I am due to have this baby on November 28th and the semester ends on December 11th (no room for falling behind) or if I am coming to terms with the end of this program.
It is a funny thing when you are "in the thick of it" all you want to do, is get out! But being on the other side can leave feelings of nostalgia, even guilt. Did I do enough? Could I have done more? Will I be disciplined to continue my self growth after graduation? Or will I beg my husband to let me become a stay at home mom and join a pilates gym? (I kid, I kid) One thing is for sure, I am trying to remind myself to live in the now. Soak it all in! Put my best foot forward and DO not give in to adversity! The finish line (for pregnancy and graduation) is just on the horizon!
My Montage Mash Up © 2022 by Jasmine Lair is licensed underCC BY-ND 4.0
