Is it wrong to have favorites? NO WAY!
By far, my favorite elective class of the Tulane University, MJ-LEL program was the Negotiating Skills course. The course provided me with invaluable skills, that I immediately put into play in my work life. It was the first class that I took that required team projects, actual negotiation sessions where one team acted on behalf of the Employer and the other team acted on behalf of the Union. We were required not only to utilize the techniques that we learned in class, but to explain them and how they worked to help in achieving the desired goal. You also recognize the techniques that your opponent is employing and ways to counter.
While completing this course, I successfully sat lead chair to negotiate two union contracts. It was invigorating to see the techniques that worked in class, worked in real life situations as well. It completely changed my career and reigns as my favorite class.
Is it Wrong to Have Favorites?? © 2023 by Sharita Barnett is licensed underCC BY-NC-SA 4.0