I'm ready! I sit down at my computer. Get my Pandora music going for inspiration. That will do it. I am going to tackle this bluebooking. I got this!
Then the fog moves in... How do I start? What was bluebooking again? What do I write? I literally feel like I am on fire. What the heck is wrong with me. I remind myself that I have tackled much tougher stuff, but it still overcomes me. So, what do I do? Well, it's me, so I just lie down and take a moment. I may be a little dramatic sometimes.
I then pick myself up and remind myself that others are feeling the very same way. This feeling is short lived, and I am fortunate to have this experience. I pick myself up off the floor and tell myself "You got this!" We have what I refer to as "Sunday Service" with Professor Townsend Gard to get a pep talk and support.
I remind myself; I am part of something larger, my NACHO Cohort. I'm grateful for the support.
We got this!!!!!!
Just need a moment © 2023 by Angela Kohl is licensed underCC BY-SA 4.0
