I AM LaToya Herron. I was born and raised in Detroit, MI where I attended and graduated from Detroit Public Schools. For undergrad, I attended Oakland University were I achieved my bachelors in Human Resource Development in 2020. OU is where my interest for employment law was discovered within my legal courses in HRD.

I learned in undergrad that Human Resources was not only about ethics but I was intrigued to find it also included facets of law. I graduated during the pandemic and it was a tough time to transition to a new field and HR altogether. I began to do some research and came across the Master of Jurisprudence in Labor Law program at Tulane University. The knowledge and tools gained from this program are life-changing and a great asset to my professional career. I have learned numerous processes that overlap with HR and Law that can now be utilized to combat issues in the workplace. Many of my friends and family ask whether I'm going to use my HR degree or my Law degree and I proudly Bridge The Gap and answer "Both of Them"!!!
Bridging The Gap © 2023 by LaToya Herron is licensed underCC BY 4.0