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The Tulane Labor and Employment Law Association (TLELA) is founded as part of the Masters of Jurisprudence in Labor and Employment Law at Tulane Law School.  Every student is automatically a member, and we hope your involvement continues way after graduation.  We welcome community, HR professionals, and lawyers to participate in our events!


How to Get Involved

1.  Email Dr. Townsend Gard!  We would love to hear from our students, alumni, and others!

2.  Volunteer to be part of the leadership and planning teams.

3.  Join your cohort group!  (coming soon)

4.  Join specialty groups. (coming soon)

5.  Suggest programming!  

6.  Come to Summer Immersion Weekend 

7.  Mentor, mentor, mentor. (coming soon)

8.  Network, network, network.

9.  Write for our blog!

10.  Join our TLELA Facebook group!

11.  Join our LinkedIn MJ-LEL group!

12.  Participate in our Virtual Symposium.

Meet the TLELA Team

TLEA is made up of Tulane Law School Faculty, MJ-LEL students and alumni, Tulane Online Law staff, and community.

Want to join our planning and organizing team? Apply here.  


Dr. Saru Matambanadzo 

Leads the Tulane Online Programming and the MJ-Labor and Employment Law Program


Dr. Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Directs TLELA, and is the Deputy Director for the MJ-Labor and Employment Law Program



Executive Committee

Pavithri Kilgore (TLS, MJ-LEL, Class of 2022)

Executive  Chair, TLELA


Brad Eddy (TLS, MJ-LEL, Class of  20___)

Vice Chair of Corporate Planning, TLELA


Jamie Wallace Krakow  (TLS, MJ-LEL, Class of 2022)

Executive Committee and SHRM Ambassador, TLELA


Bob Oberstein (TLS, MJ-LEL, Class of 2020)

Executive Committee


Elizabeth Guilbeau (TLS, MJ-LEL, Class of 2020)

Executive Committee


Planning Committee

Shellene Cook, Chair, Sub-Committee, Alumni Engagement



The TLELA Podcast, Hosted by Ilda Andaluz

Producer: David Noble





TLELA Sub-Groups

View groups and posts below.

  • Public·27 members
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